Everything is kept dead simple – there’s no flashy graphics, rewards to be earned or intrusive ads (on the iPad, at least). Easy is insultingly soft, Standard will give you a decent game, and Pro is almost infallible. There are three difficulty levels: Easy, Standard or Pro. It’s not only a decent game, it’s a knowledgable teacher, too. Cribbage Classic (4 stars)Ĭribbage Classic is the game I’ve had on my iPad for a year or so, and it’s one I keep coming back to. Otherwise, it’s an entertaining take on the game and only a couple of quid on either Android or iOS. In one game we saw a bug where it wouldn’t let us count a flush, which was infuriating, but we’ve only seen it once in a dozen or more hands. If you make a mistake, grandpa won’t prompt you to recount – you just lose the points. The cards have a rather odd design, which takes some getting used to, and unlike the other two cribbage games here, you have to score your own hand (selecting the cards that make a ’15’, for example). As for the gameplay itself, it’s pretty strong, with the different skill levels clearly evident.